bolter blog

While reading these chapters by Bolter, I was reminded that printing from a printer was not always around. Growing up, this technology was always surrounding me, so reading and re-learning about the late age of print and writing as a technology I was shocked to see how recent the invention of the printer was.

Hugo lived in the “industrial age of print,” but it was nowhere near the amount of sophistication of our printing presses now. With now having the internet, allowing us to have almost every resource at our finger tips, it is almost impossible for us to not learn in small amounts of times. Bolter also writes about how technology may be ruining the future of hard back books. “The printed book has a rival; indeed, it has had a series of rivals in the visual and electronic media of the 20th century…” (Bolter 3) It is sad to think that children in 20 years may not have a book to flip through with their teachers on the first day of school, but will be staring at the screen of a computer to look at the illustrations. I am happy though, that many authors are still publishing their books through a printing press rather than the internet, because “it is too easy.” {had something similar – DC} (Bolter 3)

Even though the technology of writing has changed magnificently,  Bolter talks about how he believes there will be no reason to use paper soon, which connects to the idea written in chapter one about authors losing the ability to publish their book. These connecting ideas honestly do not sit well with me because I believe there should always be a hard copy of everything. Technology cannot always be trusted, and many people are too “tech” savvy and can replace many ideas with their own, just like the site, Wikipedia.

Bolter’s idea of how the printing press many not be around will affect my life greatly due to the fact my sister in law is a librarian. If people stop printing and publishing their own work to be kept in book stores in libraries, many people, like my sister in law, will be out of jobs. Also with becoming a teacher, I will want my students to have hard back books in front of them, rather than an Ipad. Students, like me, sometimes need to have a hard copy in front of them to touch and see in order to get the idea implanted into their head. {again had something similar – DC}

Bolter is seeing the reality in the scary future we are about to face. Hopefully many people cherish the smell of fresh pages printed off the press, and the ability to highlight and make notes all over the pages without having to type keys.

3 thoughts on “bolter blog

  1. According to Bolter, “the late age of print” refers to “a transformation of our social and cultural attitudes toward, and uses of, this familiar technology. Just as late capitalism is still vigorous capitalism, so books and other printed materials in the late age of print are still common and enjoy considerable prestige” (p. 3). In other words, “the late age of print” draws attention to the enduring ways in which books shape habits of thought, conduct, and expression–even in a supposedly “digital age.” At the same time, the phrase points to how other media, shifting forms of industrial organization, changing patterns of work and leisure, new laws governing the use of media artifacts, and a host of other factors all have affected the role books play in societies today.
    The question in the era now is whether “This will replace that.” But in fact, just that question defines this era. That is the main characteristic of the ‘late age of print’ or the current generation (Bolter 3). I think most people would agree that there is no feeling like a book in your hands, the smell of the pages, and the art that goes with it.

    • I agree with you, Katie. Books are something that help make this world what we are. Without books we wouldn’t have any idea what times were like back in the 1800’s. It’s crazy to think instead on holding pages to check history we will have to turn on our laptop and go to Google. Don’t get me wrong, I love how easy it is, but it is making our generation too lazy.

  2. When you said, ” I believe there should always be a hard copy of everything.” I really hadn’t thought of it like that. I recently lost all of my saved work from past semesters because my computer died, so you make a really valid point. I’m not sure this is going to be the end of the book or the publishing industry. I think everything will just be done more digitally. I’m not saying I agree with that though because it’s really harder for me to read on a screen than it is for me to read a physical book, but I guess we’ll have to adapt. But then we see what’s happening to the journalism industry. How everything can be read online for free and newspapers are becoming obsolete. It’s possible something like that could happen to the book industry, but I don’t think it will.

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