
Hello, my name is Hailey Rebyak, and I’m an Early Childhood Education and Writing Arts major at Rowan University. This semester I have Introduction to Writing Arts. Currently we are exploring how technology has had an impact on writing. My group is focusing on the impact technology has had and will continue to have on the education system. As I mentioned above I have a dual major in Early Childhood education, so I have an interest in this topic and think it will help me greatly in my future profession. My future students will have a vast knowledge of the numerous technologies available to them and no doubt will utilize them. The way digital natives take in information differs from the way I was baby-responsivepresented new material in school so I’ll have to alter the way I present curriculum to best meet their needs.That being said I’ll have to be up to date on any new technologies or programs. Through my findings in this class I think I’ll have a better understanding on how technology is impacting the new generation of students which will result in me having a better grasp on how to help my future students best.

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